Pain Management
Acupuncture allows you to rest and relax as your body resets itself. This is especially good for moderate to severe conditions of pain or limitation as in stroke or surgical recovery. It’s also great when you’ve been really active day to day and it’s time for a rest!
Movement-based classes like Tai Chi Flow provide a more interactive and playful experience that over time will allow you to more consciously release the patterns of bodily resistance and tension that cause non-injury pain.
A flow experience will in no particular timing enhance the ability to move free from past compensation patterns. Long term practice will expand awareness in terms of opening finer levels of physical distinction and ability to move individually with a greater sense of coordination, ease, and effectiveness. Long term practice will also expand the sense of connection to others and the world around you!
Flow as a way of moving is based on principles that the one moving in flow will feel able to self-validate. This includes benefits that Harvard Medical School researchers have been able to confirm like:
Relieving pain and reducing inflammation
Reducing stress, anxiety, and depression
Decreasing high blood pressure
Increasing lower and upper extremity strength
Increasing flexibility and joint health
Reducing fear and risk of falling
Increasing immune function